Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Time Saving Equipment and Recommendations

Braun Chopper

This little chopper, along with the immersion blender I use almost every day. I chop onion or garlic in this thing almost every meal and it's a huge time saver. I should have added a rubber spatula here because that's very helpful for getting what ever has been chopped out, quickly and easily.

Food Processor

This is a seven cup food processor, and it's not very big. (I would recommend a larger one if you are feeding 4 or more.) I love this thing, and use it mostly for mixing pizza dough and chopping vegetables, but the uses are endless. It comes in second for the best time saving piece of equipment for every day meals.

Baking Bucket

I keep everything I need in it for baking; baking powder, baking soda, salt, small amounts of sugar, vanilla, etc. (Flours I keep separately most of the time.) This is a time saver when cooking because you don't have to hunt for of these little items in your cabinet every time you want to bake something.

Cast Iron

I love my cast iron skillet and grill pan. The skillet caramelizes every thing beautifully. The grill pan is perfect for grilling a meal for a small family (use that vent hood!)

Cast Iron Pans with a Porcelain Enamel Glaze

These are not time saving necessarily, but they make things taste good and will last forever, so I think they are worth a mention. I love the porcelain enamel glaze, it caramelizes perfectly, but you don't have to buy an expensive pan like Le Creuset to get that glaze. This frying pan that I got at Ikea some years ago has it, and this small pan has it too (my friend found it at a flea market). You can get pans with this coating on EBay. Some of the popular cheaper brands of cookware are now claiming to have this glaze on them, but the glaze is very thin and scratches easily. The glaze (and pan) should be almost bullet proof and will last forever.

To see more of my work: http://www.smcintyre.com/

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